Inspiring Her

"Who Am I?" Changing Seasons in your 30's & 40's as a Women & Mother with @Virgo_Alchemy

Elise Ingegneri

"Who Am I?" Changing Seasons in your 30's & 40's as a Women & Mother with @Virgo_Alchemy

This episode feels so aligned right now! Any Mum will relate. As we go into motherhood, we navigate so many changing and evolving seasons. It can be really hard ans sometimes you loose sight of you you are, what you love and what lights you up.

This chat with Anna uses Astrology to help guide us as women in Virgo season. It's all about slowing down, finding peace and creating time for self care. So important! 

Some helpful tips from Anna in this episode are:

  • Ways you can tune into your emotions and work with these to focus on your inner knowing.
  • Why you might be thinking "Who am I?" so much more lately beacuse of Jupiter return.
  • Self exploration, self care and grounding yourself in alignment with your star sign.

Anna's offering for you:
Mother to Child/Children Astrology Reading - This 1 hour online zoom session allows you to understand your Astrology Birth Chart and how you can engage, communicate and nurture your child or children through the lens of Astrology.

Book HERE 

25% Discount for Inspired Listeners priced at $85

Follow Anna on Instagram: @virgo_alchemy
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Love and Light, Elise x

Anna: What is really happening is that we are reassessing what we want to do. And sometimes it can be like after children where they've grown up and they've left home. It's a moment where you go actually like who am I really? Who? Like as my authentic self without a career, without a role, like a mother or a sister or a partner. Who am I?

Elise: Hello, I'm Elise and this is the inspiring her podcast. It's all about you here, your wellness, your nourishment, your lifestyle and finding that unstoppable glow. I'm bringing you conversations with my guests and friends to spark change in your health. Embrace your power and live your best life. Get ready to be inspired, uplifted and empowered as we chat about the tips and tools that will light up your journey to a vibrant, glowing YouTube I loved this conversation with Anna from Virgo alchemy. She is an astrologist and we chatted about so many cool things. We actually started doing a card reading which I've never done before and I wanted to convey a message to all of you listening today. So if you're feeling like you need a sign or a bit of guidance, then definitely tune in for the card reading that we did today. It was really cool. I love Anna's point of view on a and how it should be used from your own personal lens and what sits right for you in your heart rather than taking it as what you need to be doing or not really listening to your own intuition. First we chat about the season that we are in right now and how it's all about self love. Taking a pause, seeking your own nourishment and self care routines that are really going to serve you.

Elise: A part of this chat that was really interesting was when we talked about the Jupiter return, which you may not know much about. I definitely didn't. And Anna talked to us about how from the years of 35 to 40, this is a time that encourages women to think about who am I? For the first time in such a long time since entering the season of motherhood, this was a really thought provoking conversation and I hope that it helps you touch base with where you're feeling in this season where you can best find ways to uplift yourself and serve the self care that suits you, particularly with your astrological sign. She does take us through some tips specifically to each sign about ways that we can find self exploration and ground ourselves. Also she do a communication between your partner, your children and just how we can support our self. Specific to that.

Elise: On Tuesdays you do tarot Tuesday. So I personally haven't had a card reading before, but do you think we could do a super quick card reading?

Anna: Sure. Sure. Yeah. I have my tarot here. It's my. I use the Gerd Ziegler tarot, which is an astrology based tarot card. And I love it because I love astrology so much. But I. It adds a little bit of, I suppose, extra insight. So I'm going to. I'll pull a card. I might just have to move away from the mic when we were recording. It's actually a very pivotal time for. It's. We're going into the eclipse tomorrow, so it's a Pisces full moon. It's actually a super, super blue moon. So you'll probably see it in the sky. I'm not sure when this is coming out, but it is actually quite a big time for potential change. So a lot of people love to get guidance around this time, but it's also kind of tricky because you don't really want to have too much action or too much guidance. It's almost like an energy of just surrender and just be. And be really present. And so, yeah, I think it's really important to remember that when we have tarot, this is an external tool and it is just helping us to guide ourselves back to what we are seeking. It's not something to tell the future and get guidance so that you just follow it and, you know, to a t, like Anna said, to do this, so I'm going to do it. It is, you know, that's just disempowering ourselves. So we take whatever comes from the insight, from the card, from the message, and you take it from your lens and how that might be helpful. Does that make sense?

Elise: Oh, I love that.

I love that you say that. And I think that definitely applies to any busy women or moms listening out there that take it, take with it what you will, but, you know, just go with the flow a little bit and don't take it as gospel.

Anna: Gospel, exactly. Because it's just, you know, it's disempowering us if we go away from our own heart, our intuition and what we are seeking it. Sometimes we do things for other people. Right. So interesting. So we have the two of cups, and this is really about self love and pouring our own, you know, our own energy and cup and love back into ourselves as well as all the people around us. But we know, as mothers, we can really, you know, at times we can pour from a very empty cup. And so this might be just a bit of a reminder to continue to seek your own nourishment, because we have a very important role as mothers to be able to continue to pour, you know, to care, to look after everyone. And, yeah, the fish is also. It's important because the Pisces full moon is very emotional. So we may have been kind of feeling some of that. And if you have a water sign as one of your main three. So we have cancer, Pisces or Scorpio, you may feel more called to, like, water or the qualities of water, which is like, surrender and flow, ease, grace, release. You know, all of those things that sometimes we can gain from just having a swim in the ocean, things like that with astrology, like, the self care can be so simple at times, and we don't always do it right. We go, I don't have time to go swim in the ocean. It's like, I've got this and this and this and this to do. So this might be a message to just continue to seek out whatever that thing that you really want to do. But sometimes it's like, we don't make time for it in terms of, like, looking after ourselves and our self care.

Yes. So what is it? If you're listening, what is it on your self care list, your go to thing that you've just been saying? I don't have time for that. You do. You do have half an hour. You've got 20 minutes. Ten minutes, whatever it is, do that thing.

Anna: Yeah, because even when we have children, I know my son is now eight, and so he's pretty, like, independent. And sometimes I forget just what it feels like, you know, to have a three year old or four year old. But I remember doing a lot of my, like, self care, just, like, in the bath or when he was, you know, doing some of his, like, night routines. And I would just, like, put it in meditation inside. Like, he'd be happily playing, and he would actually, like, copy me sometimes. And I think it's. Yeah, sometimes we don't have, like, time, which is, like, an hour to ourselves, but we. Yeah, we can kind of integrate it into our normal daily life as well.

That's so beautiful. So you mentioned that we are in the Pisces moon, is that right?

Anna: Yeah. So it's a full moon in Pisces, but we are actually in Virgo season.

Elise: Yes.

Okay, so explain that. Explain that to us.

Anna: Yeah. So we have our personal chart, but then we have the changing cycles of the moon, and so mostly we draw a lot of focus to the new moon when it is actually a black, you know, there's a black, you can't see the moon that is like, for starting to think about ideas and, you know, gaining some energy towards perhaps creations or how we want to move in the external world. But then when we come full circle to the full moon, it's actually shining light on perhaps the things that we need to release. So we've gained a lot of lessons throughout the moon cycle. And then when we get to the full moon, it's actually. Yeah, it's that purging, releasing, sending those things, those habits or behaviors or people that are not really serving us and sending them to, I suppose, to the ocean or to out, like, you know, really intentionally saying, I don't need to do this anymore, or I'm seeking another way. So, you know, traditionally, the moon is kind of used for that purpose. But when we have a season, we are following the season for the month, which is Virgo. It is actually a very productive earth sign. And it's all about grounding and doing, like, you know, the practical things, our habits, well being. No surprise that we're, like, talking about this kind of stuff at this time. I know that's probably a big part of what you do as well. It's just like, we can sometimes come to Virgo season and we're just like, get out the checklist, let's go. We've got to do this, this, this and this and this. But the Pisces is the opposing energy. So it's actually saying, put the checklist down and go and have a swim and just be lazy and just do what you to go with the flow. And sometimes it's just that necessary pause that we can feel that. It's actually just about tapping into emotions and letting some of the things go that we have to do or we feel that we need to do. And, yeah, tapping into how we are actually feeling.

That's really beautiful, the way that you explained that. Because one of my questions was, how can we, as busy women, busy mums, align ourselves with this season? What things can we put in place to really be in tune with ourselves in this season? But I think you've said self care is one of them. Taking a pause, doing that thing that we know will fill up our cup, but we haven't been doing because we feel guilty or we're telling ourselves we don't have time, but we can make time. Like you said, do it while your child is, like, having a shower or bath and you're sitting there with them, but you can just, you know, I don't know, do something for you in that moment.

Anna: Yeah. Yeah. And I think Virgo season in general, it can give us a little bit of a necessary energy in charge to get things done. So you might have been, like, cleaning the house and decluttering and getting ready for spring. It can feel really good. So I think sometimes Virgo is seen as a grounded sign. And I'm the. I'm a Virgo alchemy. I'm the true Virgo. But it's actually, we have a lot going on in our minds because it's mercury ruled, which is just a very busy planet, and it's very mental. It's like a mentally driven. And so it's like, the way that I explain it is, like, on the surface, we look really chill, we're really grounded, and, like, everything's got, you know, got everything together. And then underneath, we have, like, 50 tabs open of all the possible things that we need to think about and need to do. And it's a supercomputer, so we may feel a bit overwhelmed, but it's. It is a call to, like, I take a moment or meditate or find ways to kind of create that structure so that we don't feel overwhelmed. And that's. That's what Virgo really is, the essence of Virgo. It helps us to create control and structure and habits, and then we may feel, you know, when the house is. Is tidy.


Anna: Our mind will feel more tidy, perhaps. So, yeah, I.

That's exactly what I like.

Anna: Yeah, you like that, too?

I love to say that. I love talking about that. It's all about not the physical home. Yes, we can clean and declutter, but it's how do we create this home that is inspired by us as a woman, as a mother, you know, creating this safe space. So everything that you've just said aligns so perfectly with that, and I just love it. So tell us a bit about you, what you do. I know that you work with women to help them find their alignment and more inner knowing. What do you see are the biggest challenges that come up with women that you're working with?

Anna: Yes. Well, I think it's a big question, but how I began on the journey was to do astrology because it was a roadmap or kind of like a cheat sheet I found, which was to understand myself. So it's a self discovery tool, and I found it so beneficial as a mother to even understand my child and how he works and how I can communicate with him and attend to his needs. It was really the start of my awakening, was becoming a mum, and he really called me to be a better person and do all the things for me rather than always helping others, which is ironic because now I'm helping others. But it's like this sense of. With boundaries and understanding what actually lights me up. And having that passion project or something that really, uh, yeah, fulfills you just means that you can be a better mum because you have something for yourself and then you really, um. I suppose when you do have those moments with your child, I feel like it's a lot more quality driven because we. I'm filling my cup in, in a sense of a purpose. And so I found myself doing coaching and counseling, but I wanted to really help people in the spiritual path because it can be quite challenging. And people, a lot of women, they come to this, you know, it is actually called the Jupiter return, which is around 35. And it's not really spoken about very much, but we talk a lot about the Saturn return, which is like 27 to 30, huge time of change. So a lot of women come to this stage where it's actually beyond 35, but I. We kind of have this. It's called, like, a midlife crisis. Right. But it's not. It's not actually what's happening. What is really happening is that we are reassessing what we want to do. And sometimes it can be like after children, where they've grown up and they've left home. It's a moment where you go, actually, like, who am I, really? Who? Like, as my authentic self without a career, without a role, like a mother or a sister or a partner. Who am I? And that was the starting point, was the astrology chart, that natal chart, which is your birth, like, who you were when you came into the world. It's accessing that again, because we can lose sight. We can find. We just fall into things. Like, I just fell into being a teacher because that's what I could do while I was overseas. And before you know it, I'm like, oh, I've just, you know, had done 13 years of being a teacher. Like, I really enjoy that role, but I want to teach about things like, that are really, really exciting to me, which is like tarot and astrology and past life healing and energy and the way that energy works. And so it's like all these. Yeah, I suppose it's the transition time in life. Wherever I. You may have been jolted awake by something quite transformative, and then you're finding a way back to yourself. But at other times it just can be over time. You just get sick of doing these same things. And I think Covid really ignited some of that. The fuel to, you know, what am I really meant to be doing? And a lot of women come to me with spiritual gifts or spirit, actual calling or intuitive nudge that is like, there's something more for me. And it can look so different for many, you know. Well, it could be just starting a podcast, it could be talking to women and empowering women. It can be so like, yeah, it's a unique calling because everyone has a unique chart.

Yeah. I think that question who is she is so powerful to think about and reflect upon. And it is something that we definitely lose along the way, particularly as mums, because you are just thrown into this season and you giving, giving, giving, and then you do, like, I know personally I've gone through. It's interesting to hear you talk about the Jupiter return because I feel like that's me to a t in the last few years. I'm just like, who am I? What do I want to do? And I think it's because you literally just give yourself to everybody else for so long and then you actually forget who you used to be. But amongst that as well, you're not supposed to be who you used to be. You're supposed to grow and thrive into somebody new, but you don't have the space. So I love that you asked that question, who is she? And you're obviously helping women to find the space to explore that, which is so powerful.

Anna: Yeah, sometimes it really, it truly is just holding space while they navigate it. And, you know, there's certain light bulb moments where they take. Yeah, these, like, these little glimpses of, like, oh, yeah, I. I used to really love doing that and I just really want to be making something or cooking or like, something. Like, it's just. Yeah, it's just finding ways back to that. You know, when we turn 40, it's like this huge thing and. But that's really just that transition. So from the 35 to 37, 38, you're working out this new version of self. And then often it's if you are not attending to those, those desires or those nudges, that the intuition is always guiding us. It will sometimes explode.


Anna: Like, hey, you're turning. You're turning 40. Like, did you think about these things? And so sometimes it can be more jolting. So if we're listening, always listening and actually giving ourselves space to listen, then it might not be so, you know, catastrophic, because it sometimes can be quite adult with, like, identity crisis and like, you know, who am I without the kids? Right. And I think that that is also a little bit determined by age. I mean, you know, it's always very different, but it's. The kids will need you less and less. And I think that can be a hard thing, to release that control or know that they've got things without you.

Do you think that's why women in their forties, I have a few friends who've turned 40 and they've said, I just feel this, like, sense of calm now that I've turned 40. Maybe prior to that, I was stressed about all these things that I'd had lined up, had to be this by the time I was 40. But then when I turned 40, I kind of went, took a breath and felt like, wow, now it could just be me.

Anna: Yeah, totally. Because if you've done some of that work of, like, understanding who you really are, you get to 40 and it is actually a state of calm because you've been through a few of the hurdles and the challenges of that adjustment. And so it is. It's really interesting to see it from astrology because it's not something that I've always thought about, but it's like, yeah, it can be, you know, you're moving through some of these, like, windy roads and the hurdles around that. 37, 38. And then once you get into the forties, it's actually a becoming, like. And it's an embodiment of, like, this is what makes me feel good. This is the type of food that I want to eat. This is how I want to parenthood. And it's very much about balance. Like, I think we find that authentic balance that we're seeking. And maybe it's career, maybe it's family. Finding your side hustle, passion project. It's. Yeah, finding that. Yeah. Equilibrium, I think, is that calm?

What are some practices that you like to give the women that you're working with to help find a. And explore that, like journaling or sitting in meditation or is it the readings that you do astrology that really helps them feel, like, find that part of themselves to then work through?

Anna: Yes, I think the starting space is the astrology, because what it does is it taps into your unique elemental balance. So who you are. And so, for example, I have quite a balanced element, elemental balance. So it's like earth, air, fire and water. And so we, we kind of want to attend to each element. So to have you spoken a little bit about water, it's about like, ease, flow, emotions, having a cry, you know, having a nice bath and things like that. So it's like you. You kind of want to understand who you are first, and then I. I can kind of guide you to what is the best self care for you. So the air signs, that's libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, they love to talk, so it's like talking to a friend.

That's funny, because I'm a libra.

Anna: Yeah, I knew it. All podcasters have air in their chat, and I have Gemini moon, so I love to chat too. So it's like it just kind of quite. Comes quite naturally to us. But what air signs need is that they actually need to explain, articulate their emotions to process things. So sometimes it is with a friend, but I think there's that tendency to be like, just drama, drama, drama. Like, oh, this is what I'm like, venting. This is what's going on with me. And not all people are okay to receive or to hold space for that. So I recommend sometimes it's just actually doing voice notes to ourselves.

Oh, okay.

Anna: Yeah. Because it's. Sometimes it's like it truly is just to talk it out. I have, you know, my mentoring clients, they do voice messaging to me, and often they find their own answers, so they just really want to explain it, like, what's going on underneath here and. Yeah, so it's like they're the. It's suiting your needs. So the air signs, yeah, talking, journaling, finding ways to brain dump, because there's lots of ideas going on. The Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. So many ideas. And then sometimes it's like, so the earth signs, they're the ones of Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. They are very grounded, but they also need to be in touch with nature and to maintain that. Right. So it's like there's all these like, specific things that you can get guided to and you might already naturally know. Oh, well, yeah, I love just having a walk on the beach, and that really helps me to center myself, and then I can come back to, you know, the busyness of home life and kids. But it's. It may be something that you're missing. So we have, like, we have twelve planets and they are all in a different sign. So when we look at astrology, it's not just your sun sign. You're not just a librarian, you have other, you know, a lot of layers to you as your unique self. And so sometimes it's like the fire signs is the last one I haven't mentioned, which is Aries Sagittarius. Oh, my gosh. What's the other one? And Leo. I always leave out Leo because they always, like, they can be quite showy and, like, you know, they don't need any more attention. Yeah, exactly. No, it's only because I'm a virgo. That's, like, opposing. I'm like, oh, I actually have a lot of Leo in my chart, which is funny because I never really wanted to lean into that part of me. And I have Aries north nodes. So it's sometimes the fire. We don't really want to be, like, you know, bold and courageous, and we can kind of dim our fire because we don't want to take up too much space, you know, Orlando or perhaps, you know, be criticized or something. So the fire signs, they actually need a lot of, like, high intensity exercise and. Yeah, like, actually, like, fueling the fire.


Anna: So if you. Yeah, you really want to get, like, that snapshot of all the different elements within your chart so that you can kind of tailor your self care to who you really are. That unique self.

Yeah, how fascinating. That's so fantastic. And a few of the things that you were mentioning are so my family to a tee. Like, my husband is a Taurus. He needs to get in the water or on the beach to, like, calm himself. My son's a Leo. He needs to just be, like, outside kicking the ball. One of my daughters is a virgo. And, you know, I'm just. Yeah, I just think it's crazy. And I know we've had spoken about off the mic about your mother child astrology sessions, which I would love to know about before we finish up and how that can benefit us.

Anna: I know. Cause I really wanted to offer something very specific to you and your listeners. Cause it's actually one of the most untapped resources, I feel is understanding, of course, our own personal chart, but also looking at the dynamics of the family. So what I would love to offer is a reading which takes into consideration the family dynamics. So perhaps it's looking at the partner's chart yourself. And so you have two children?

I have three.

Anna: Three, yes. So you would look at the dynamic of all three children and. Yeah, I would. Sometimes it's a little bit more work if you have lots of children or one child, but it's the same time we're looking at the dynamic between the family and how best to communicate with each other. How best, you know, perhaps the energy, how. How people need more rest or need, you know, ready to go all the time, like, so the energy type, the communication type, how. How people in the family deal with emotions, because some people will be highly emotional and really want to have those deep and meaningful chats, but other people will want to be outside. Like your son, he wants to move. And that's, like, my son, he's just, like, sport obsessed. And that's how you can engage with him and chat with him is when he's. When you're doing sport with him. So it's like. It's kind of just like, you can provide all these, like, helpful tips in how the dynamic can work as a result of looking at the astrology chart.

Amazing. I like, when can I do that? I want to do that now because. Yeah, I feel like it's going to help the home help. I mean, we really attuned to it, Simon and I, my husband, especially lately, as the kids get older and go into different seasons, I think your parenting has to change a little bit. You're not just looking after a baby and keeping them alive, obviously still keeping them alive, but it just becomes so much more emotional. So I feel like this would be so helpful.

Anna: Yeah. And I think sometimes, you know, the more children, you know, that you're adding, like, lots of different potential dynamics. So, like, maybe between one child and the other, like, they might have a really close bond and the other one feels a little bit different. It's often, you know, it can really be showcased in the chart of. That's why. That's why they are the way that they are. It's like personality analysis, really. That's what I love about it. We understand intuitively sometimes about, like, how people function best. But then when you're kind of given this blueprint, it just reaffirms that you're doing the right thing as a parent, that that's what's really valuable.

Absolutely. And just teaching them as well about differences, how everybody's different, because especially if they see it in the home, then that will create their understanding of outside of the home, you know, different friendships, different relationships, so. Yeah.

Elise: Awesome.

Anna: Totally. Yes. That's a big part of it, too. Like, some kids are really social, and they might, you know, they might really get a lot of energy from being extroverted, and others want to retreat into the home space more and things like that. It's just so helpful. Absolutely. My favorite thing to do.

Well, I will put all the links in the show notes so that people can come find you and book that in if it's something they're interested in. I am going to book it in with you because I feel like, yeah, exciting. I feel like we need it. My family needs it. I'm all about that inspired home. I feel like it will just help us. But lastly, I'd love to ask you, what does an inspired home mean to you?

Anna: Very good question. And it's an interesting one because I, you know, I was. I left my marriage a few years ago, and then I met a new partner, and so we've actually created a blended family.


Anna: And so, yeah, so my house is, like, so beautiful, and when we came to the, you know, the rental inspection, we just, like, looked around. We're like, no way. This. This is definitely our house. And so I have a son and my partner has a daughter, and so we. Yeah, we have really, really worked hard to have, you know, harmony within the house with having, you know, two only children coming together, emerging. Of course, we've got two different parenting styles that we're working out our relationship as well as the kids relationship. And, yeah, it's just. It hasn't been really helpful for me to understand everyone's different types and energy and, you know, some people, like me and my son, want to be quiet in the morning, and my partner and his daughter are really loud in the morning. Like, just things like that, you know, we're always finding ways to create more harmony and peace and understanding each other and that. Yeah, that's definitely important for my home. Space is it's less about the physical environment, but that's still important. But it's mostly about how each person will feel within the home that they want to be at home, and they will also want to go out into the external world, but they'll feel safe and, yeah, emotionally supported within the house.

Always home to come back. To go out and explore and come back home.

Anna: Yeah.

Thank you so much. Well, I personally have learned so much from you. I feel so much more supported on my journey as a mum just by thinking about a few of the things that we've spoken about today. If anyone wants to come and connect with you or find you and explore this further, where can they find you?

Anna: Yeah. Awesome. So they can find me on Instagram. It's Virgo. Oh, my gosh. What's it called?


Anna: Underscore. I know. I was going to say slash or. Yeah, underscore virgoalchemy. And my website is, so we can put that in. And I will be offering a discount for this, like, mother to child reading and it is. Doesn't matter how many children you have. It's just a sense of, like, a 1 hour session where we can kind of dive deeper into the dynamics and how the. Yeah, so it's like looking at all the charts and how that works together.

And can we do that via. We can do that via Zoom.

Anna: Yes. Yes, exactly. Yeah, via Zoom. So just like what we've just done, but, yeah, having a look at all the different charts, and then I record it so you can always come back to it as well.

Perfect. Oh, thank you so much.

Anna: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.

Elise: If you love today's podcast, please share it with your friends and family. And don't forget to come on over and say hi on Instagram at Inspiringher podcast. Until next week, be inspired, and I'll see you then.

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Elise Ingegneri