Inspiring Her

How Single Mum Casey Lee Bear Prioritises Movement and Mindset for Health and Wellness

Elise Inspired Season 3 Episode 5

How Single Mum Casey Lee Bear Prioritises Movement and Mindset for Health and Wellness

In today's episode I have a real and raw conversation with Casey about motherhood, movement and mindset. She is such an inspiration as a woman and single mum to 3 babes. Casey shares how the loss of her 6 year old son Bentley in a car accident was a really dark time. Her strength and determination to better herself every single day in health, wellness and mindset is incredible. We chat about her non-negotiables, making movement a priority because even half an hour can help you show up as a better Mum, think more clearly and have more energy.

Casey talks about her experience sharing her life and the benefits of connecting with other women on social media. Her perspective really does bring comfort as a Mum to know that YOU can decide to make a change, start new habits, show up for yourself no matter what and you will see a change for the better.

Casey's Fave YouTube Workouts (Heather Robinson): 

Find Casey on Instagram Here: @asey_bear

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Love and Light, Elise x

Casey: I don't know. You just build up these little things and you do change. Like, everything about you changes if you stick to something like that, what healthy habits you do, that's like with the exercise. If I don't do it on it, I feel not myself. Once you get those feelings, you'll think, how did I ever knot? Yeah, totally.

Elise: Casey is such an inspiration as a woman and a single mum to three babes. Today, she shares with us how the loss of her six year old son, Bentley, in a tragic car accident was such a dark time. Her strength and determination to better herself every single day in health, wellness and mindset is absolutely incredible. We chat about her non negotiables, making movement a priority because even half an hour can really help you show up as a better mum, think more clearly and have more energy. Casey talks about her experience sharing her life on social media and the benefits of connecting with other women. Her perspective really does bring comfort as a mum to know that you are the one who can decide to make a change, start new habits, show up for yourself no matter what, and that you really will see a change for the better. Welcome to inspired home, the podcast that turns chaos into calm and houses into havens. I'm Elyse, your go to gal for all things home and lifestyle. Whether you're a super mum juggling at all or just looking for a little extra inspiration, you are in the right place. From healthy meal hacks to clever organizing tips, I've got you. Are you ready to make your home your fave place to be? Let's jump in. I personally find you so inspirational. You've just got so much going on and you always focus on the positive. And I love how you always, like every single day, I feel like you are taking on a different part of your routine. Your habit stacking, you're adding things on and you share it with everyone just to better yourself, better your life, better your kids lives. You've recently become a single mom. I just wanted to jump straight in and hear a little bit about the advice that you would give other single moms who might be feeling overwhelmed or struggling to find time for themselves to focus on health and wellness.

Casey: Yeah, finding the time is hard. It's very hard. Especially like with me, they're sort of just with me at the moment or daycare. So they sort of haven't got that other parent. It's not sort of, yeah, a thing at the moment. But anyway, it is. It is what it is and you do what you have to do. But I just think it's so important to really find it. Like, you. You have to find the time. You know, sometimes there might be people that, for them, they just love and sit and to watch Netflix sort of thing, you know, where. So we're all different. There's nothing wrong with that at all. But, you know, I just think if fitness was sort of something, a goal of yours, you wanted to sort of start to do or, you know, because obviously the benefits of it are amazing. And I just think it's something that everybody should be doing.

Elise: Yes.

Casey: Say, like, part of your. Just like, brushing your teeth, like a habit. It should be just something. Part of your daily routine, you know? I know sometimes it's hard to do that daily, but even just like a walk, like, I know you love the walk. Um, see, walking, for me, like, I can do a walk, but it's sort of. I've got to do my. My weight, my weighted workouts as well, and then a walk, I can go, oh, yeah, okay, take it takes me outside. You know, it gets me out in the sun. I'm fresh air. But, yeah, I just think it's really important to find the time. But whether you have to wake up early, which I know if you're like me, with my kids age, it's sort of hard because. Right. Is still waking up, so it's really hard to see. But back with Bentley, he used to. He sort of got. Because he was a different age, he was six. I sort of got into that thing where I knew I could wake up before him, you know, sort of know when they're going to wake up. And I would do it before he woke up for school and that sort of thing. But obviously now it's a different thing, different ages again with these kids. But, yeah, I just think you just really have to prioritize it for you.

Elise: It is for the movement and the exercise, but it's also such a mental thing for you. And I love that you make time for it. But have you always been that way? And tell us, like, what do you do? Is it half an hour? Is it 20 minutes?

Casey: What, see, on the Mondays? Cause I know I've got them at daycare and Mondays, my day, to myself for appointments and whatever I have. But, yeah, say Monday, I'll go a bit longer. But even if I just, like I said this morning, I just put on. Heather Robinson is a go to for me on YouTube. She has been for many years. I just love her. And I've actually got a few of my friends onto her as well. Um, from me talking about her, but, yeah, and I just love to put her on. You can pick any, you know, YouTube's got thousands of things on there and just 30 minutes, like, this morning was 30 minutes, so. And then obviously she does the warm up and cool down in that, too. So you sort of haven't got to think about it. You just put it on, go in if you have some weights or if you don't, you don't need weights. But I love weights, so. And just 30 minutes on the days that, like, I know I've just got to squeeze it in. I mean, or even just getting out for a walk if I've got the kids and I know I can't get in here and work out with the weights.

Elise: So that's definitely one of your non negotiables would be. Yeah, the workouts. Hey?

Casey: Oh, absolutely. Like, if there's just one thing, like, I've often said to my mum, like, on weekends, obviously, when it's just me and the kids, like, if I could just have somebody, like, I don't, like, I can cook, I can clean, I can do all that stuff with the kids, you know, you can get through it, but obviously the work it out because I know you see on Instagram and on YouTube a lot of mums working out and, I mean, you got to do what you got to do to get it in. But, you know, you see them just doing bits and pieces with kids running around. I sort of think this is my one half an hour for me and I want it to just be with me.

Elise: I love that you say that because I think that that's also prioritizing your mental health as well as exercise because I can imagine being a single mom is just so overwhelming at times because you actually don't get a break unless your mum comes to help or something like that. Or as you say, when they are at daycare. But when you. If you were to try and do your workouts, which some days you may have to do your workouts with the kids in the background, you know, but I feel like when you say you try and fit it in, maybe when you're, like, on the back of your lunch break, or maybe you end up doing it at night after they've gone to bed or something, it then becomes a all focused on you and it's like you're giving yourself self love because you're saying, I'm worthy of this time just for me.

Casey: Yeah, that's right. Like, I think I grew up never really seeing my mum, you know, doing anything like that. For herself. And I think it sort of gets embedded into you, doesn't it, that it becomes looked at as selfish sort of thing. You know, I've often, because I share a lot on Instagram, I've often thought, oh, you know how your mind thinks to itself? Think, oh, people must just think, oh, she's working out again, you know, like, where's her kids? Sort of thing, you know, and like, I tell people and I'm not, it's like, I'm not ashamed to say it, but sometimes if they watch tv for half an hour, you know, at this age, because they're sort of, Harper's a bit better, but writers at that age where he finds it hard to just one on one sort of thing on his own. But, you know, I just think, is that 30 minutes? And then you walk out, okay, kids, let's go. You know, do something after that. Like, just because you're just so much more lighter, aren't you? Like clearer, like happier.

Elise: And the weights, like you, Casey, you're the one that really ignited my interest in doing weights because I follow you and I see you do it and I love that you do it at home. And then you recommended Heather to me on YouTube and I'll put her link down below because it's completely free for anyone listening who wants to give weights ago. It's kind of like, not as scary when you start in your home first, but now I've started going to a gym to do it and, like, I have struggled with mental health and you would feel the same. The endorphins that you get after you lift weights, it's like next level. It's weird, isn't it?

Casey: Yeah, I know. And you can't explain it to somebody. Hey, they can sit there and listen to us talking. Oh, yeah. How can working out make them feel that amazing? But it's something you have to try. It sort of sticks because you're not going to go one day and, you know, it's something because, I mean, we all started out, don't we sort of to want like an image? Like it's a, it's a body image thing. But then for me now it's, it's not, I mean, it's great. Obviously we all want to look toned and that as well. But for me, it's just a mental thing. Like, I don't go in there. I don't show up every day thinking, oh, I'm going to be able to see abs after this workout. You know, like, I go in there just for the mental release, like, and the energy you get from it, like, see, people, I think that, oh, if I'm already tired and I go live weights or go for a walk, it's gonna drain me more. But it's a complete opposite, isn't it?

Elise: I agree. And I think if you're having a day where you feel really tired or maybe a little bit sick, what I've noticed, and I've only been doing this for the past maybe two months, and you can probably hear in my voice, I'm off the back of being sick. I still was able to show up and do it because you just don't have to go as heavy or as hard or as many reps. I just think it's. It's actually a really brilliant thing for women to start doing.

Casey: Oh, it is. Absolutely. For mental. Everything I could just talk about all day long.

Elise: Yeah, I love it.

Casey: That's something. I'm not like a hair and makeup person, you know, but fitness, like, health and fitness and wellness and all that. I'm writing to it. Like, if I'm listening to a podcast or something and it's not yours, of course, Elise. It's, you know, it's to do with fitness, health and wellness. Like, I just love building up my knowledge around it.

Elise: I was talking to someone about this the other day. It was really funny. They said they would never go and spend their money on, like, designer bags or makeup or anything, but if you put, like, a supplement or a health and wellness thing in front of them, they'll be like, take my money.

Casey: I always say I'm a bit of, like a supplement junkie. Like, oh, what's this? You know, I need to try this. That's why it's really hard for me to stick to something like the greens powder that I was taking. You know, I'm sort of like, oh, I've been on that six months now, maybe. I feel like I want, you know, there's just so much on the market, isn't it? And sometimes it can suck you in and you sort of have to find one suited to you, but there's just. You just want to try it all. Like, I don't know, I'll just get clothes in that. Handbags, shoes. Not. Not me.

Elise: You share a lot of your life on social media, Instagram, YouTube. Do you think that inspiring other women through those platforms helps keep you accountable? Like, what is it that you love about sharing these things on social media?

Casey: Well, yeah, because, I mean, I think as you would be able to vouch for as well, I think when you receive even just one message, like, that first message where someone says, oh, I love watching you, you know, like, you light up my day. You're such an inspiration. I've started weights or working out because of watching you and seeing that you're, like, a single mom. You can, you know, you can do it. I can do it, too. And. Yeah, and I think it's brought me out because if you ask anybody close to me, until I started my YouTube channel, probably, well, Harper was four months old, so that was about four years ago now. And I feel like I'm just a different person. Like, I'm an introvert person still, but I just, like, I think it blows people away that I can get on Instagram stories or even YouTube. It is a different thing to lives, though. Like, I'm still a bit with the. With the fact of alive. I think if I knew it wasn't alive, I'd be okay. But, yeah, it just sort of keeps me accountable, too. Like, even when you're sort of doing a time lapse of cleaning something, you know, or, like, doing a cleaning YouTube video, it just sort of gives you motivation as well, if you're lacking motivation or. You know how on Instagram, I don't know if they do it so much now. Sometimes I'll do. But, like, they do it before and after. Like, will show you a route, and then right before, and then you snap to the next story and it's clean. Like, even just that. Like, just goes, oh, I want to go. It gets me up. That's what made me start my YouTube channel. I used to watch. I know it sounds ridiculous, and a lot of males be like, I can't relate to women watching other women clean, you know? But there's just something about, isn't it? You can be sitting on the lounge and go, you watch someone clean on their YouTube video, and then you're like, makes me want to get up.

Elise: Yes, I 100% agree. And I think it's probably something in you as well that you just have that determination and that drive. But it does. Like, you'll put a. I'll put a YouTube cleaning video on while I'm cleaning, or I'll have a podcast on while I'm cleaning. And I think it's a. Especially for women, for moms, in your case, single moms. I think it makes us feel a part of something, and it makes you feel like you're not worth nothing, that you're just at home cleaning, you know, like, all other women doing it, too. So it makes us feel comfortable and worthy.

Casey: It does, yeah, it does, it does. Even though it's like obviously a hobby aside thing for me. But yeah, I just, I just love it.

Elise: So this is definitely a personal question and I'm not sure. I don't think you've shared too much about this in detail, but obviously something really horrible that you've been through and hopefully something that most women will never go through, but unfortunately you've been through the loss of a child. And I know this is just such a heart wrenching topic, but I just, I'm in awe of you. And how do you continue to keep growing stronger mentally and physically when you've been through such a dark place?

Casey: Well, I don't know, I often think back because. Five years. Yeah, five years. So Bentley will be twelve this December and he was six when we lost him in a tragic car accident. But yeah, like, often think back and think that year because, yeah, it was around the August, so we lost Bentley in the July and Harper was born year later, August. So I think for that year, like without, because, you know, when you go from having a child like, and then going to no one, it's terrible.

Elise: Like, it must have felt so quiet.

Casey: It was like sitting there having dinner and that. It was just. Yeah, and I just thought, no, no one, nothing, well, can ever like replace, can replace Bentley. But I thought, I can't live out the rest of my life after you've experienced a child and the joys of children and as hard as they can be, but, and just live out my life without being a mum again, you know, like having, raising that, raising a child. Yeah. And I feel for that year after, I sort of looking, looking down at it now, it's sort of like when you hear people having near death experiences and they're out of their body, but they're watching, you know, that's what I feel like that year was after, until Hacker was born and then obviously it sort of keeps you going. And I think if it wasn't for Harper and Ryder, I just. Yeah, don't know where.

Elise: Looking at the world through their eyes, they give you such a perspective, like as you say, that you wouldn't have been able to find again if it wasn't for them. And I just can't even imagine. I think you're so incredibly strong. Grief is something that never goes away and I think you probably have hard times. How do you work through, do you find that spending time then with your other children helps you work through that, that grief?

Casey: Oh, yeah, definitely. Like having them around because, I mean, you know yourself how, like, preoccupied, how busy kids make you be in the best way possible. I mean, as hard as struggling times it can be, especially at their different ages and, and all of that, you're just like, I'll just give anything, you know, just to have an hour. But then you're so very grateful for them as well. Like, it's a, it's a fine thing, isn't it?

Elise: It's like a bittersweet.

Casey: I'm just glad they're with me now, like, you know, as hard as this. And you think, oh, just love a break. But I think if. If I didn't have the, like, you'd be lost. Yeah. Like, after experiencing kids and then go, you could never.

Elise: If you are in, like, if you're finding yourself maybe spiraling or going into a dark place, what are the little rituals that you like to put in place just to come back to yourself?

Casey: Well, I don't want to say, like, distract yourself, but, like, I really think because, see, that's. I'll go back to when I started my YouTube channel. I was sitting, obviously, Harper is a four month old. They sleep a lot more, and she was the only one. And it's not like I had writer as well, you know, because if you're not with one, you and this and that. And I remember sitting there on the lounge and going, well, there's nothing to do, you know, I didn't really read back then either. I've really gotten into reading a lot as well, and meditation and all that. I've really gone down that path. It's like I've had a spiritual awakening. Like, in a sense, like I'm somebody else, obviously, in many ways, but, yeah, like, just. It's like my mind's opened up. Yeah. It's hard to explain because some people can go the opposite, you know? But like I said, I think if it wasn't for the kids, you could easily go back down a dark hole. But, like I was saying, I was sitting there and then I thought, well, I feel like I need something. Like I need to do something, you know? And I wasn't really an artsy person. And then that's when I just went, I'm going to start YouTube. And then it was sort of that, that I really threw myself in. Like, I'd obviously film when she was asleep, when she was napping, and then I'd edit. And it really just consumed me in a good way. Like, it consumed me in a good way. And I think that's what. And in a way, I don't know if, you know, people might be watching this or they're not into all that stuff, but I really feel in a sense, it was, I don't know, like, for me to start a YouTube channel, I think I blew everybody out of the water. Like somebody so quiet to myself. And here she is out on YouTube, you know, and then it's like, in a sense that he, he sort of pushed me. I used to watch it. I would never have thought I'd be uploading videos on, on YouTube platform.

Elise: You obviously were really and are still very attuned to yourself and probably becoming more attuned to yourself every single day. But you needed to explore that. You needed to have that sense of connection with other women when going inward was also a coping mechanism for you in that time. So sharing on YouTube, sharing on Instagram, it's kind of it, it gives it. You're allowed to control it. Do you know what I mean? Like, and I think you needed that. You probably needed that. And then in turn, that's created motivation for you to show up and keep going.

Casey: Yeah, definitely, definitely. Like I said, a distraction, but in a good way. Yeah, like a way for me. Because like I said, I felt, I felt myself going into, like a depression whiteness when Harper slept and I thought, and I had twelve months off. If you told me this ten years ago, I'd never think that I would have not, you know, like, not that I'm big on YouTube, but it's just, it's, it's a whole, it's a hobby. Like, it's. Yes. I mean, I love to, like, that would be great, wouldn't it?

Elise: Yeah. You keep showing up at it and you're doing it for the right reasons. I love hearing you speak about it because you're doing it because it's a sense of creativity, it's a sense of connection for you and you love. Even if you just impact. I always think to myself, even if there's just one person, how do you. I mean, look at us. We're friends. We message backwards and forwards on Instagram a lot. Like, if neither of us had reached out and started sharing our lives, we wouldn't have that connection. So it can be such a beautiful and uplifting place.

Casey: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Like just other people to talk to and. Yeah, like, because you really need to have that, don't you? Yeah, that was a lot like just, just talking to a friend. Yeah.

Elise: Well, you should be proud of yourself because you took the steps to make yourself feel better.

Casey: Thanks, Elise.

Elise: And I love following all of your health and wellness content, obviously, but you also are such an amazing and cook. Like, you come up all those little treats that you make. Do your kids just eat them all before you have a chance to eat them yourself?

Casey: Oh, yeah, kinda. Unless I put them up high in the fridge. But then Ryder obviously even opens the fridge now. Yeah. I'm like, what, you want the kiwi fruit? No. Right. No, no.

Elise: So what's your go to recipe at the moment that you're obsessed with? Sweet treat. What do you love making?

Casey: Oh, definitely a sweet treat because I think as mum's always trying to find stuff that, that the kids love but isn't out of a packet and it's that you made yourself, it's like, you know, but, well, I always have dates. Like, as you were saying, medjool dates, peanut butter, almond butter, anything like that. Chocolate, bananas, all of that together, like, when you eat that together. So that's sort of like my go to, the sweet treats. I just make things like that.

Elise: Yeah.

Casey: A lot of the time I don't really. Dinners are a bit hit and miss because the kids with their ages, like, everybody wants different things. Hey, the kids would just rather play star, whereas I want to make something a bit more fancy because I've got the thermo mix. Yeah, yeah. And there's just so much you can do with that. But, yeah, my go to would have to be the sweet treats because I'm a bit of a sweet tooth. Yeah. And stuff like that. You just have one and then it, like, satisfies you.

Elise: That's what I was going to say to you. Like, that's such a good way to satisfy and, like, satiate a sweet craving with a date because it's that whole food. It's going to, like, your body is actually saying, oh, yep, that's what I needed. You know, you're not just having sugar.

Casey: Filled chocolate, like sitting a whole block of Cadbury chocolate or something.

Elise: Exactly. Exactly.

Casey: But I think you do have to build up to that, too.

Elise: You can't. If you went and said to someone, and I get a lot of messages about this, you probably do too, if you're someone who sits down and eats, which actually, I used to be when I only had Zara. She was about two and we lived in an apartment. We had this little, like, convenience store across the road. And Simon and I would sit down to watch tv at night and I would literally run over in my, like, tracksuit and buy a family sized block of snack Cadbury snack and we would eat half of it, like, every single ****** night. And now you couldn't catch me dead doing that.

Casey: Yeah, I know. Because you just. Yeah. Again. And you know how much better you feel from it. Even though it is sweet, it's still, I don't know, nourishing your body in a way that blocks the chocolate. Don't. Again. It's just like a habit thing, too. And I feel weird now. If I was to eat that and not this, like, I don't know, you just build up these little things and you do change. Like, everything about you changes if you stick to something like that, what healthy habits you do. That's like with the exercise. If I don't do it on it, I feel not myself. Once you get those feelings, you'll think, how did I ever not? Yeah, totally. I include it, whether it be half an hour, an hour, gym session, whatever it is you're into. So I just like the cause. I used to work at home with Bentley, too. Like, because he was very. He could entertain himself. He had a very good imagination. He could. It's like he had friends around. Like, he had them little toy motorbikes and he just played in the dirt. Like, he was real different to these kids, I feel, even though they've got. But I feel like I really put a lot into these kids. And I feel like, too, that if you. If the more, like, the more they're going to need from you and not be able to sort of entertain themselves, like, because for the most part, with Bentley, I was on my own as well. So he sort of built up that thing where he'd go off and play by himself when I was doing stuff, you know, and it made him use his imagination. Whereas I think if you're with kids, you know, all hours of the day sitting there playing, they sort of go, well, what do I do when you're not with me?

Elise: Yeah, 100%. I absolutely agree with that. Like, Zara, my eldest, she would happily. We've talked about this before, like, she would happily keep herself occupied, whereas Chloe III, because she's used to having the other kids around and she's used to having me all to herself because she was born in Covid. Like, she just needs my attention or somebody's attention 100% of the time.

Casey: Yeah. It's funny how they can be. Yeah.

Elise: So different. Well, thank you so much. I just find you so inspiring. And if people want to come and connect with you and chat with you or they've felt something resonate on their heart, today. Where can they find you?

Casey: Well, Instagram and YouTube is where I mostly am, and my Instagram is AC Bear, and. Yeah, but I'm sure you'll leave that.

Elise: Yeah, I'll put it all in the show notes.

Casey: Not very often I share that, but. And Casey on YouTube is just Casey Bear.

Elise: One question that I am loving asking all my guests at the moment, because obviously, it's called the inspired home podcast, and it's all about, as women, I really think that we are the heart of the home. So what does having an inspired home mean to you?

Casey: Oh, I don't know. When I hear that, I first think, like, calming, dreadful, peaceful, lovely smelling. I don't know, just all that.

Elise: And I get that sense from you. Like, you just. Your heart's so big, and you create that home for your children and. Yeah, I can imagine walking into your home and feeling like that.

Casey: Dreadful music on. Even though sometimes you got the truthful music on it that's still fighting you. I know. Dreadful music's on. Calm down. Can we just, like, try to do your digress?

Elise: I try and get the kids involved. If I'm taking a deep breath for me, I'm like, mommy just needs to take some big breaths. Let's all do it together.

Casey: Yeah. Well, sometimes. Often hear Harper say, dried up, deep breaths. She'll slow up a balloon. I, like, bless them. Yeah. I think it is really the way to go. We're trying to teach them that which we weren't teach that. Like, it wasn't around. Now at daycare, they even do, like, yoga. Like, it's great, isn't it? I wish they had that when we were at school.

Elise: I think as a mom, as well, like, just going off track here a little bit. Like, having children, you were never taught. You never realized that having children would bring up traumas and trigger you of things that you haven't necessarily worked through in your own life. Like, for me lately, that's the biggest thing I'm learning about parenting.

Casey: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Like, that parenting podcast, your last one, that was so good. Like, anything like that. Love that. Like, because you do have moments of. It's just constant guilt. I know as a mum, it's really hard to let that go.

Elise: Yeah. You feel like you're never doing enough for yourself, for the kids, for the house, like. Yeah.

Casey: And just trying to do it all and keep yourself above water sort of thing as well.

Elise: Totally. Well, thank you so much. You are such a joy. And I can't wait. I can't wait to share this with everyone, thank you so much for tuning into inspired home. If you enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe, rate and leave me a review. Don't forget to follow me on Inspiredhome podcast over on Instagram for more tips and inspiration. If you've got a question or topic you'd love me to chat about, please send me a DM or a voiceie. I just love hearing from you guys. Until next week, keep your home happy and your life inspired.

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