Inspiring Her

Home Reset Mini Series | Create a Clean Girl Aesthetic Home ✨

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 20

Home Reset Mini Series | Create a Clean Girl Aesthetic Home

Ok, now you have decluttered and organised let’s talk about clean girling your space. Have you heard of the clean girl aesthetic? I LOVE IT! It is a minimalist, polished, and effortlessly chic look that has gained popularity particularly on TikTok and Instagram. This style is all about simplicity, natural beauty, and a well-groomed appearance. I love to apply this feel to my home because personally, when my home feels ‘clean girl’ I feel like I have the mental head space to then focus on my personal ‘clean girl’ vibe.

In todays episode we go into my top 10 wyas to 'clean girl' your home.
1. Declutter and organise regularly
2. Cute storage solutions
3. Clear surfaces
4. Refresh the air
5. Add indoor plants
6. Create a spa like feel
7. House resets
8. Reduce noise
9. Light a candle or essential oil diffuser
10. Buy some flowers

Enjoy beauty and let me know how you go creating the clean girl aesthetic in your home.

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Love and Light, Elise x

We are up to episode three. How cool is that? I hope that you're going really well with episode one and two and that you are finding it easy to start decluttering and organizing your spaces. This episode is now that you have decluttered and organised, I wanted to talk about clean girling your space. Make sure you check out the other two episodes if you haven't already. If you want some inspiration and motivation in doing a little home audit and how you go about that. As I said, motivation to declutter and organize. So that's what the first two episodes were about. You may or may not have heard of the clean girl aesthetic trend on socials lately. I love it. It's sort of about being minimalist, polished and effortlessly chic. And it's really gained popularity, particularly on TikTok and Instagram. I really love it because its style is all about simplicity, natural beauty and a well groomed appearance. I like this feel and I like to apply it to my home because personally, when my home feels clean girl in air quotations, I feel like I have the mental head space to then focus on my personal clean girl vibe. Does that make any sense whatsoever? I really just strongly feel like if you focus your home and your space on feeling a certain way, that when you wake up in the morning, the vibe then translates into your body and you just have that feel throughout your morning and throughout your day. So that's what we're trying to achieve here. Now, keep in mind that I really like keeping my house clean and tidy. My vibe is like all about being organized. I'm the type of person who, every night before I go to bed, I clean the kitchen because I want to wake up knowing that it's tidy and I'm not going to feel stressed walking into a cluttered kitchen. I am the type of person who tries to run my robot vacuum every single day. But then I do have a cat, so if I don't, there seems to be cat hair everywhere. I love making the bed first thing in the morning. I like opening the windows and letting fresh air in. I am really particular about my living space and I probably spend most of the time picking up after people and cleaning up. So that is my vibe and I just hope that it inspires you. And please don't feel like you have to do everything. I know that I'm a little bit extreme. My mum will tell me sometimes, like, just stop. Just sit down. I'm like, no, I can't. Like, this is what I do. So anyway, take with you what feels right and what you like and leave the rest. These are my top ten tips to achieve the clean girl home. Number one is decluttering and organizing, obviously keeping only what you need and love. So in the previous episode, we talked about this more, but you can donate or sell items that you no longer use. And this goes to things like toys, clothes, books, cushion covers, throws, decor items. You name it, the list goes on. So definitely listen to last week's episode about the easiest way that I like to do this. But keeping your space free of clutter really does give that clean girl aesthetic. Number two is storage. I personally love Kmart, so think about like a Pinterest house, a pinterest looking pantry, a Pinterest looking linen closet, little pockets around your home that look really aesthetic and beautiful. Pretty storage solutions like baskets, bins, closet organizers, like plastic boxes to keep everything tidy and out of sight, really help. I personally love clear boxes because then you can actually see the items through in your cupboards while they are still stored away neatly. There are so many cute baskets and storage units that you can use for anything that is used day in, day out, like toys, blankets, even like to chuck your shoes in in the garage or at the front door. So you really can do this minimally and on a budget as well. Go to Kmart, see what there is, see where you're inspired again, have a look at storage solutions on Pinterest and see what takes your fancy. Number three is keeping clear surfaces. So I understand that we all have to live in our houses. Yes, but for example, once the kids have finished an activity, I ask them to clean up. And we all clean up together before we go into the next activity. That isn't always the way. Sometimes the house goes a few days without cleaning up, and there's literally different things everywhere. But generally, I focus on clutter free. One thing I love doing to keep a clear surface, for example, the kitchen bench is have an everything basket. So at the end of the day, or when you're feeling like clearing off the bench, you know how the kitchen bench will. In my house. Anyway, there ends up being like random toys, hair ties, lip glosses, a pen, like just random things like that, money, maybe a piece of mail. It's just all the junk that just gets thrown there. So having an everything basket helps you to just chuck everything in there. At night, when you're doing a quick kitchen cleanup, throw all the items in and then at the end of the week, when you have having more of like a deeper house clean or house reset, you can go through the items in the basket and sort them out. And yes, I will say do a kitchen reset. Refresh every single night. Trust me, your future self will thank you. Set your timer. How? I've mentioned before, set a ten or 20 minutes timer. Seriously, you can get so much done in ten minutes, you would be surprised. Setting a ten minute timer and just zooming around the kitchen getting it done, you'll be amazed at how much you can get done in that time. And then your future self, your morning self, will get up and everything is fresh and ready to go for breakfast. Number four is refresh the air and let there be light. I mentioned this before, but every morning, as part of my routine, I like to open up all the blinds and curtains or shutters, whatever you have. And even in winter, I will open the windows, even if it's only for half an hour, to refresh the air. There's something so nice about letting fresh air in. It just helps you breathe. It kind of recenters you gets rid of all the stale air, and I really feel like it gets rid of stale energy as well. So let the fresh air in. Replace that stale air from the night time when it's been raining lately, which it has been a lot. I will open the windows that I know aren't going to get so much rain on them just for half an hour, so I might open them while I know I'm doing school drop off. I know it's hard. If you're out for the whole day, there might be like one or two windows that you can leave open that you know are weather protected, especially in winter. It's nice to leave some windows open while you are out through the day so the air is refreshing, but you're not getting cold. And natural light. Natural light will help you wake up and set you in motion for your day in a more positive and energized space. So I like to open the blinds and curtains as soon as I wake up. I also open the kids ones when I go in there to say good morning to them. Sunshine and natural light is next level. It's not only healthy, guys, it is good for your soul. So make sure you open up all the blinds first thing. My number five tip for a clean girl home is plants. I love plants. Indoor plants. It's taken me a long time to be able to have indoor plants. I used to get fiddle figs when they were all the rage and I think I probably killed a few of them. But I feel like I'm starting to find my green thumb a little bit just with indoor plants. Let's not go too excessive. One of the biggest tips I can give you is to go to flowerpower. They probably have them at bunnings and it's like a water meter. And if it basically says on the meter, you stick it in the soil and it says dry, moist or wet. So you can look up whatever your plant is, the way that it likes its soil to be. And then I just put that meter in every few days. And if it needs a bit of a top up, or maybe it doesn't, then that has really helped me. Incorporating plants really adds a touch of nature inside and it adds some freshness to your home and your spaces. Like I said, choose easy to care for plants like succulents. Succulents are a great one too, actually. Or mini cacti. You can put them on shelves. I actually have a mini succulent on my coffee table because I know that it's really durable. It stands, the kids like, and the cat, and, you know, its leaves get taken off, but somehow it still grows. So that is a really good one. My favourite tree at the moment in my house is a weeping fig. It is so beautiful. It took me about a year to get on top of it. When it first came home with us, it lost so many leaves and it was looking a bit bare, persevered. And I've figured out how she likes to be looked after and now she's thriving. And I really think it just adds such a beautiful aesthetic and touch to my living room. Make sure you get into a routine of watering them. So at habit, stack here. So maybe when you make your coffee in the morning, you know that you're also going to go and water your plant or you're filling up the kids drink bottles. You're going to also fill up the plants with water. Do you know what I mean? I also love getting my kids to help. They love watering the plants. I've taught them how to use the meter. So, plants, add some plants to your home. Number six is creating a spa like feel to your spaces. So this is really good to do in your bathrooms and you can do it by adding fresh towels. And you can even drop essential oils onto the towels so they smell calm and serene every time you walk in. One thing I also do to create like that spa smell in my bathrooms is I actually add drops of essential oils to my toilet paper rolls. The essential oils just soak into the outside of the toilet paper, just like two or three drops and the bathroom smells divine. So that is a really cute and fun hack. Keep your vanity tops clean. Make sure everything has a spot. So what goes in the cabinet behind your mirror? What goes in the cupboards below? Can you again declutter and organize and add storage boxes? Maybe you have a specific bag to put all your makeup in. Make sure after you do your makeup, you put all your makeup back in the bag. Even if you're in a rush, it will literally take you 10 seconds. There is no point leaving it on the bench. It gets lost, things get dirty, pack it away straight away. This is also going to help with your routines because if you can just grab out your makeup bag or grab out your hair care and it's all in one spot, you're not going to be spending so much time looking for one certain product or your hairbrush or hair ties always put things back in their spot. Number seven is regular space resets and regular cleaning. Maintaining your clean girl home is easy if you're doing regular little clean and tidy ups. I like to set the ten minute timers. As I said, if I've got dinner cooking on the stove and I know I've got ten minutes, I'll set a ten minute timer and quickly do a tidy up of the living space. Do whatever works for you. But instead of sitting down scrolling for ten minutes, imagine what you could get done in cleaning for ten minutes. I also love to do a Sunday or Monday reset because having three kids means a Sunday reset doesn't often do much. I like to wait till they've all gone to school and a Sunday reset for me involves or Monday reset. I wash the sheets, I tidy up and clean ready for the fresh week ahead. So put all the toys away properly, reorganize the toys, make sure all the washing, folding, ironing's done and it's all packed away ready for the week. And this really does help keep my space in order and it means that I just have to do little clean throughout the week or tidy ups. And I also do have a cleaner who comes once a fortnight, but in the in between week and just every day, really. I'll be wiping over the kitchen, bench, cleaning the sinks. I clean the toilets every other day. Like, it's. I think you just have to be on top of it and just remind yourself that it's actually not that much time. If you put a timer on and you went and cleaned all the toilets in your house, it'll probably only take you like five minutes. Seriously, it's not that much. So number seven was regular resets and regular little cleanse. Number eight is all about noise. This may or may not resonate with you, but one thing that I find adds to a calm, minimal, clean girl aesthetic in my home is really focusing on reducing noise. My house is already super noisy with the play or the fighting of the kids around, so I like to have time where all the noise is turned off. I find that if everyone is getting a little bit too heightened, almost too stimulated, and it really calms everyone down, there's less shouting and whinging because we can hear each other and we don't feel so overstimulated. So turn off the tvs, especially anything that might be bringing stress, like the news or repetitive, loud kids tv shows. Sometimes I'll even play frequency music, which is really soft, calming music that has actually been shown to have healing properties because of the frequencies and how they reach your subconscious at levels that you don't even realize, which is really cool. And the kids know that when mum puts on, like, spa music, it means we're all just chilling out. And really, it does. They actually do chill out and it just calms the energy of the whole space. So consider the noise in your house, like, realistically though, because I know that we all have families and busy days and lives, but if you can just try and maybe turn off the tv, if no one's watching it, it'll make a huge difference. Number nine is beautiful smells. So lighting a candle or diffusing your favorite essential oils, these are personal preferences. And I really go through phases. Sometimes I'm all about the candles, and then I'm all about reducing the chemicals and I'll go back to my essential oils. So it really depends where you're at. You may or may not have heard of that tip where once you've cleaned a space, you light a candle and it just adds that final little detail, that luscious touch and kind of signals this room is clean. Achieved it. I'm on to the next one. I love that. I just love that vibe. So if you're doing a little clean, a little reset, or maybe a big Sunday reset. Light a candle. Or maybe you just need to calm down and bring that like, calm vibe. I find that smells really provoke certain feelings. So think about how you're feeling and put on some candles or diffuse some essential oils. My favorite bougie candles are by raido. I feel like they're so extra and I love putting them on. Whenever I put them on, I feel like I've just walked into a luxurious, like, five or six star resort like qualia, where I was lucky enough to go and stay with hubby for a few nights. But the smells are so divine. They have all. What's the brand? Aesop. They have all Aesop products at qualia. So now whenever I smell aesop, I'm like, oh, it just takes me back there. So yeah, smells. Make sure you've got beautiful smells. If you're more into essential oils, you can actually look up on Pinterest for candle dupe blends to match the smells you love. That's a really cool one. Number ten, and this is a fun one, is buy some flowers. Did you know that you can actually get a cute bunch of daisies from Aldi for $8? Treat yourself and buy a bunch. All clean girl homes definitely have a nice fresh bunch of flowers. And actually they last for ages in my opinion. I buy them every time I go to Aldi, which is at the moment, probably once a fortnight. I do a big Aldi shop and I'll buy two bunch of those little daisies and they really do last. I feel like they even almost last the two weeks. They look pretty, they're feminine, homely, and they just add such a nice feel to your space. For me, I even feel like when I have flowers in my kitchen, I just smile. I walk in and it just makes me smile. Guys, that's it for the ten top tips for the clean girl home. Let me know which is your fave tip to create your clean girl home and come on over to share any other tips that you think might add to a clean girl aesthetic on my instagram. I'd love to know. Please don't forget to share this with anyone who you think might find it helpful. And I will see you on Wednesday again for our final episode of the Home Reset series. And it is all about how to give your styling a glow up. So giving your coffee table a glow up, maybe you're going to use it on shelves, bedside tables, your bathroom, vanity, dining table. Just little pockets of styling that will really elevate the look and feel of your home. 

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