Inspiring Her

How to kickstart out of the 'Feeling Depleted' Rut | Inspired Moment

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 12

I feel so Depleted! How to kickstart out of the Mumlife Depletion Rut | Inspired Moment

My top TIPS to get out of the overwhelm of Mumlife Depletion:

1. Prioritise Self-Care
Schedule "Me Time"! Dedicate some time to something that YOU love to do.
Focus on getting enough sleep and incorporating some form of physical activity, like a short walk or a home workout.

2. Ask for Help and Connect
Reach out to family or friends for assistance with childcare or household tasks.
Join a group  (even if for your kids) with Mums in the same season of Motherhood as you.
Sharing experiences and advice with others who understand can provide emotional relief and practical tips.

3. To-Do Lists and Delegate
Focus on what's most important. Write everything down, like a brain dump, to ease your mental load.
Teach older children some chores to lighten your burden.

Listen to the Episode all about To-Do Lists HERE

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Love and Light, Elise x

Hello my loves. Welcome back to the podcast. Today is another inspired moment and I really felt the need to talk about mum life depletion just in a really quick way to hopefully give you some inspiration. If you're feeling like you are depleted lately, just a few little tips to help you put into place this week so that by the end of the week you have a little bit of a spark and hopefully are feeling less depleted. So I've seen so many posts lately on like my local mum's Facebook group and talking to a lot of mums as well and I just get the sense that we're all feeling a little bit depleted and overwhelmed. And man, I get it like 100%. I feel like since having three kids, my life has just been absolutely turned upside down and I'm really just starting to feel like myself again and find that little bit of a spark again. And I really do feel like that. When you're in that season of motherhood, all of a sudden you've lost this sense of self and you're giving everything to everyone else because you genuinely want to. But also you have this calling to show up for yourself. You probably have this need or want to go back to work or you have like creative passions that you want to pursue. Maybe you have like a book that you've been wanting to read forever or you want to go back and study, but I feel like it's really hard to put those things first and then we just start feeling so depleted. So I feel you. If you are there, just remind yourself that you're doing a great job, you're a wonderful mother, you are a wonderful woman and you deserve to just bring in a few little micro moments, a few little micro habits that will help you feel like you again. I wanted to just give you three of my top tips that have helped me when I'm feeling like I'm getting in a little bit of a lifestyle rut, like I just feel like I need a bit of a kick in the ***, everything's feeling a bit overwhelming and I just really feel very depleted. Number one is prioritizing self care, and self care can look so different for each of us, and it really just depends on what you choose to prioritize. So even something as simple as getting enough sleep can be self care. Eating nutritious meals, incorporating some type of physical activity, like a short walk or a quick workout. While we're on this topic, like, I was talking to my friend the other day about how much our focus on fitness has changed and how it's still working. And I just think that's really cool. Like, she loves doing like a 20 minutes home workout each day through an app and it suits her and she's feeling great for it. I personally love trying to get to a Pilates class three times a week, and then on the off days, I'll literally go for a half an hour walk. And when I don't do those things, that is 100%, I start going down that route of feeling depleted and I feel like it's such a mental thing as well as a physical thing. I get it though. We are all busy. We are all on such tight time restraints, and it's hard. It's hard to change something up, put a little change in the routine. But even just a ten minute change could make the world of difference. Little things that I also love as part of my me time, little hacks when I'm feeling a bit down is finding a good book that I love and just committing to reading, like one chapter or a few pages. And I guaranteed I have such a better sleep and it's awesome. I will take a bath, which I just feel like calms you down, especially if you put in some, like, what are they called? Epsom salts, essential oils, you know, or practicing a hobby. I love cooking when there's not like the hectic, again, time limit on having to prepare everybody else's snacks or dinners or whatever. I love cooking. So sometimes on a weekend, I'll literally say to my husband, can you please take the kids out for half an hour bike ride? And I'll make something like bliss balls or, I don't know, like a raw treat or a banana bread or something like that. And it's just so nice for me to be able to pop on a podcast that I love and I'm doing something in the kitchen. It's my time, I'm enjoying it, you know, something like that. My second tip is to accept help and ask for help and connect with other mothers. So this is hard because again, we're so busy and you know what works for you? You know what your routine is. But recently I've been taking Chloe to dancing on Tuesdays, which is one of the days that she's home with me. And I really look forward to that Tuesday dance class because it is with other mothers who also have daughters who are like two and three. And I've felt like, for such a long time that my life is centered around Zara and now Adrian, who are a little bit older and they're both at school. And I feel, like, definitely disconnected from some of the mums that have older kids because I'm still in, like, that toddler age. And so part of Chloe joining the dancing class was. Yes, definitely because she wanted to. But I also love it. I love that we sit there and have a chat and, like, we're doing the same things together. So I think when you think about connection and you show up with other mums who are in the same season as you're in, I love that about social media, too, because it just makes you feel not alone, it makes you feel seen. You can see that what's happening to you is happening to others. For example, Chloe has immense meltdowns, like, tantrums on another level. And for me to then be in situations with other mums who have two year olds, it reminds me that I'm not the only one going through these meltdowns. And you know what I mean? It's so important to find that connection with people who are in the similar phase that you are. And it just makes you feel a little bit lighter asking for help. I know that can be hard. I really struggle with that. If you've got family close by, like, that would be an awesome one. Just like, ask your mom to come round and have a cup of tea while you fold the washing together. So you're getting a task done, but you're also getting that sense of connection. Is there room for you to actually get a cleaner? And maybe it's not someone who comes and does a full house clean. Maybe it just someone who comes and does the bathrooms. So you're taking off that not. Not just mental load, but that physical load that I know you feel as a mum. So that was tip number two. So maybe this week, just think about where you could ask for help. Maybe you have, like, me, an older child who you could give a chore to in the morning that would help you out. So, for example, we recently asked Sarah to start unpacking the dishwasher in the mornings. And of course, at first she was like. And then it took ages and it's annoying. Because you've got to remind them, but eventually they get it and it helps because she's doing that and I'm doing other things to help other people and I just feel like there's not so much overwhelm now. That takes me onto my final point, which is delegate and write to do lists. I put a to do list up previously episode up about to do lists and I feel like it's just gold. So go and listen to that if you're looking for some inspiration. Writing to do lists making simple to do lists will not only help you streamline your tasks, but it will make you see that actually you don't have that much to get through. And also it will get it off your brain onto paper so it doesn't feel so overwhelming and it gives you a sense of achievement as you're starting to tick them off. So that's one and delegating. Same as if you've got kids who are older and you can start giving them chores. Maybe you can sit down with your husband and see like where you're feeling a bit imbalanced. So having those conversations, that might feel a bit overwhelming and you feel like you should be doing it all yourself. But when you just sit down and mention it or reach out, it will really help. So they are my top three tips for helping you get out of a mum life depletion phase that you're in. They're only really simple. I hope that they can help you. It's prioritizing some time for yourself, connecting with other mums and asking for help and trying to simplify your to do lists and delegate tasks while I've got you. I would absolutely love, love love for you to leave a review. So please, if you're on Apple podcasts, don't forget to scroll down and leave a review or share with your friends who you feel like need a bit of a boost this week. If you do leave a review, make sure to add your Instagram handle at the end so I can come and find you and enter you into my monthly giveaway because I wouldn't want you to miss that. I will see you on Wednesday this week where I actually have an episode coming all about my experience with Hashimoto's. I get so many questions about this all the time, so I can't wait to share my experience so far and what's helped me just balancing my life with Hashimoto's.

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Elise Ingegneri