Inspiring Her

Healing Hormones + Fertility Health with Nutritionist Dee Zibara

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 7

Healing Hormones + Fertility Health with Nutritionist Dee Zibara

Today I'm excited to bring you Dee Zibara. Dee is not only a realistic and holistic nutritionist but an incredible wealth of knowledge in women's health and women's hormones. Dee has been called the baby making angel, a title that she wears really proudly, which is understandable. Dee shares so much magic with us today about hormones and I think it's going to help you no matter what stage of your women's health journey you're at. So if you're pre baby, post baby, just struggling with hormone health, perimenopausal or menopausal, Dee definitely share some really great tips in today's episode.

Symptoms or Conditions of Hormonal Imbalance can be:
Strange cycle patterns - varying lengths (short, long or changing)
Hormonal Acne
PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Depression and Anxiety

In todays episode we talk about:
Her three pillars, which are the flow fit method, combining food, water, movement and mindset. And I love how Dee just has a really realistic and relatable way of approaching holistic health. It's so refreshing.
How you can get off this busy seesaw of life and focus on upgrading and moving forward to a more balanced synergy between your physical and non physical physical health and wellness.
The overwhelm of information on supplements these days and Dee shares her advice in using supplements to lean on rather than to rely on forever more. So to focus on filling a short term gap in health and wellness rather than relying on them for good, which I thought was wonderful advice.
A little sneak peek into her new incredible program called Fertility Magic, where she is guiding women to their optimal health, helping them thrive sustainably for the rest of their life. So not just through fertility, but then moving forward through motherhood and into menopause and just an encompassing view of hormonal health.

I know you guys are going to love this episode. Dee is such a light and I'm so excited to bring her to you.

Learn more about the Fertility Magic Program or connect with Dee here:
Dee Zibara Website -
Dee Zibara Instagram - @deezibara
Fertility Magic Program HERE
Flow Fit Challenge HERE
Dee Zibara YouTube Channel

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Love and Light, Elise x

Welcome back to inspired to be for this week.

Today I actually have an incredible guest for you. Her name is Dee Zibara and she is such a wealth of knowledge in women's health and women's hormones. Dee has been called the baby making angel, a title that she wears really proudly, which is understandable. Dee shares so much magic with us today about hormones and I think it's going to help you no matter what stage of your women's health journey you're at. So if you're pre baby, post baby, just struggling with hormone health, perimenopausal or menopausal, Dee definitely share some really great tips in today's episode. Dee is a nutritionist. She has had her own experiences with hormone problems throughout her life, so that's where her real drive to help other women in this area came from. And you can really tell how genuine and beautiful she is in wanting to help women really find their optimal hormonal health. We chat today through her three pillars, which are the flow fit method, combining food, water, movement and mindset. And I love how Dee just has a really realistic and relatable way of approaching holistic health. It's so refreshing and I know that you're just going to absolutely love it.

We also go on to talk about how you can get off this busy seesaw of life and focus on upgrading and moving forward to a more balanced synergy between your physical and non physical physical health and wellness. We chat about the overwhelm of information on supplements these days and Dee shares her advice in using supplements to lean on rather than to rely on forever more. So to focus on filling a short term gap in health and wellness rather than relying on them for good, which I thought was wonderful advice. And she'll go into more detail on that in this episode. And finally, Dee gives us a little sneak peek into her new incredible program called Fertility Magic, where she is guiding women to their optimal health, helping them thrive sustainably for the rest of their life. So not just through fertility, but then moving forward through motherhood and into menopause and just an encompassing view of hormonal health. I know you guys are going to love this episode. Dee is such a light and I'm so excited to bring her to you. Please enjoy and as always, come and say hi and let me know what you think.

Hey, Dee. Welcome. I'm so happy to have you here. It's so lovely to finally get to chat to you, and I just wanted to jump straight in. So can we just, straight off the bat, start with talking about symptoms and conditions that we might be experiencing if our hormones are out of balance? And more importantly, how good can we feel if we actually take control of our hormones?

Well, I guess, you know, if you have a cyclical pattern to any of your symptoms. So even if you don't have a regular cycle, an easy way to tell, for example, is, like, if you have PM's, um, directly before you bleed. So even if that bleed is, like, inconsistent, sometimes your bleed is every six weeks, and sometimes your bleed is, like, a regular four weeks. That is a really good indication. But I will. I'm going to talk about conditions, because I think if I talk about the three most common conditions, then I'll be able to, like, hit all the symptoms as well.

So what you'd be, like, seeing and feeling if they're out of balance, um, but remembering as well that, like, there can be a lot of hormones that are out of balance. But if we're talking specifically sex hormones, um, then we always have to think about it being the last kink in the hose. So the first kink and the second kink of a hose is actually where the problems are. Right. The first kink is where the problem is never the last kink. But hormones, our sex hormones specifically, are, like, the last kink. So when our hormones are imbalanced, that means we can assume that insulin, leptin, thyroid hormones, all those other hormones are then imbalanced. But where our hormones are out of balance, we can almost always estimate that all of the other hormones are also out of whack as well.

So the number one being the most common condition is PMS. So we know that this creates mood swings and bloating and fatigue and irritability. And, um, usually is the week, but sometimes can be, like, even all the way up to, like, the two weeks leading up. So almost like, directly after ovulation. And this is 75% of the women experience that. So the second one is the most common women's hormonal disease, and that's pcos, or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Ten to 15% of the population have this worldwide, and you'll know that if you have that, if you have irregular cycles, specifically anxiety and depression, too. So you're actually three times more likely to experience depression and anxiety with pcos. Or hair and skin changes. So you might notice that you have hair in unwanted places and not enough hair in the place that you want being your head. So you might have, like, you know, chin or like jaw or lip, that kind of thing. And almost always, almost always with pcos, you'll also have acne or breakouts. Like angry, angry, inflamed skin.

And the third one is endo, endometriosis. And that affects 10% of the population, and that's where the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. And that the normally, like, the hallmark symptom for endo is those, like, heavy, painful periods.

But it's really important to note that all of them affect fertility because anything that affects our reproductive health, obviously is going to affect reproduction.

So I think it's actually pretty amazing how connect the two so they don't make the link. Their doctor tells them, oh, you know, before they fall pregnant, for example, if they're trying and they say, oh, you know, you're fine, but yet they haven't addressed the obvious PM's symptoms that they've got, but then they'll, they'll jump straight to IVF. So, yeah, it's just really interesting. Like, you know, we've got to remember as well, like, with any of these hormonal conditions, that doctors will use the tools that they know, and those tools are medication and surgery, and so that's the tools that they'll use. Right. Because that's the tools that they have.

And what I love about you is that you're looking at the holistic picture of this, because as a woman, I don't think we know that when we're younger and we just think, oh, I want to have a baby. And it's such a masked system. So we're focusing on those symptoms, fixing them, not the long term. And even post pregnancy, it's still such a big deal. If we have just gone the pill, IVF, and then we come into perimenopause and menopause, then we're still going to have problems. So really, we really need to go back to the start. And I love that you have that point of view.

Thank you. And I was going to say as well, like the, like, the flip side to that. When you do have hormonal balance, I think the best thing that you have is freedom.

Because you have the freedom, physically, mentally, emotionally, to just do the things you want to do. So from a healthy point of view, like, if we go back to that kink in the hose analogy, if hormones was the last thing to be addressed. And therefore, when hormones are imbalanced, you can assume that everything else is imbalanced except for, like, one circumstance, which that's a whole nother story, and that's a. That's another time. But when they're imbalanced and the whole hose is unkempt, that's when you get that, like, freedom of choice. Like nothing holds you back. You don't have to, you know, say no to the event because you feel so self conscious about your skin or your weight or you feel really fluidy or you're so irritable that you're like, I can't be around people. So I think it's the freedom that I think is the. The best part about it, in how good you can feel.

Yeah. And I think you and I have both been there on the flip side of that got having pcos and other hormonal problems. So I think it's so important for women to speak up and own it. And you don't necessarily have to have all of those things that you've mentioned to be diagnosed. So I guess it comes back to going with your intuition and then finding someone like yourself, Dee, who can then help them.

I agree. And a good example of this is a beautiful client of mine, Getta. She's recently just fallen pregnant. Very, very into her health, like, really holistic, and didn't even have any noticeable symptoms, like, none at all. And she still couldn't fall pregnant. But then being able to be quite strategic with how she was eating and exercising and her mindset and what she was focusing on, which is my three pills, which I know we'll talk about eventually. Anyways, that was the thing that was, that allowed her. She really had that hormonal balance, then she was able to fall pregnant. So again, even though it's not obvious, hormonal imbalance, there was still hormonal imbalance. Otherwise she would have been able to fall pregnant.

Yes. Great. Amazing. Thank you so much. So on the back of that, about how you share everything so realistically, which I really love, it's so refreshing and it makes it so achievable for all of us to reach our health goals. Can you share with us, like, the key things that we could easily and realistically incorporate across all phases of our hormonal health, like what we've spoken about pregnancy, post pregnancy and even into menopause, maybe your top three practices or things that we could do.

Yeah, for sure. I mean, I guess. Thank you for saying that, by the way, pride myself on being realistic and also idealistic. But I think balancing that comes with knowing yourself and knowing what's true for you because your ideal is different for someone else's ideal. And I guess that's kind of echoed in the, like, universal lesson of, like, don't try to ever live up to somebody else's standards, because, like, it'll always. You'll. It'll always be a struggle. So when you're actually being able to be true to yourself, you'll know what's ideal for you and what. What will work for you, but also then being realistic, because you know what your life is like. Nobody else can tell you what your life is like and what was going to be the biggest stressors for you. But three things that I think are really important for people to be aware of, especially women, is something that is, like, timeless and universal. And my three pillars of health, and these are the pillars that underpin every single one of my programs. So I call this trio the flow fit method. And so this is how you eat, how you train, and what you focus on. So food and water, like, I'm. You know, those are the really, those foundations around diet. Like, I'm a massive king and water fan. If anyone wants to nerd out with me on the science of king and water, like, let's go.

I do. Tell me enough. I actually do.

Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I love it. And, you know, and again, that's foundational for me. Like, for me. Like, my water that I'm drinking is foundational. It's. It's. We're 70% water, so it's all. It's almost even more important than food. And, like, I've been a nutritionist for how long? And I have spoken about food for so long, but, you know, here we are with this, like, other very, very foundational things. So. So there's food. Food and water. So that kind of, like, I put that in fuel. That's the fuel pillar. And then your movement, obviously, your exercise. And I like to encourage women to be muscle centric because it has so many metabolic benefits. But also feeling strong, that whole strong body, strong mind kind of concept, I think, really is important and actually has so much more impact than we realize.

And then, like, mindset. So what you focus on, and, you know, Tony Robbins says you can always find what's wrong, but what's right is always available. And I feel like he actually also says that you don't experience life. You experience the life that you focus on. So when you change what you focus on, your life might look exactly the same, but how you feel about your life will change. And the work of doctor. Not doctor. No, he wasn't a doctor. David Hawkins looked at, like, his work. He's studied, like, for many, many years. Your thoughts and the vibrations that your thoughts have and your feelings have. And so that's a really important thing. So that when we're really thinking about becoming stronger and in better health over time, it's actually about coupling our physical practices with our non physical practices. You know, like that mindset, like emotional well being is actually equally as important. Yeah, I think it's the reason that my clients get such great results in my programs is really because we have to layer in all of those approaches, because otherwise we're doing people a disservice. Just focusing on one area and then.

What I've seen through, obviously, I'm not a practicing health coach or doctor or anything like that, but just through people I've spoken to and I still do have a lot of conversation with people on my instagram, is that it will always come back. If you don't, if you're only focusing on the physical symptoms and you're not going into the mental head space as well, it always, it comes back because you end up just getting on that stress train, the cortisol, everything just throws off. So I love, I really love that you incorporate that into your programs. I've personally experienced, not your programs, but the whole umbrella of what you're talking about. And that's worked for me, too.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think, yeah, one thing, like, it's like, it pulls you back. It's like, get off the seesaw. Stop trying to balance one or the other. Just like, go on to a whole different part of the play equipment, like, you know. You can never get higher. You can never go higher because you're trying to bounce this one, and then you go over here and try and bounce this one, and then you go over here and try and try and balance that one. So, yeah, I think it's like, let's just squash focusing on one thing. Let's focus on all of it. And you can actually upgrade and move forward with momentum much quicker because you're actually creating the synergy and the leverage of the physical and the non physical. And the physical and non physical.

Synergy is one of my favorite words. Like, that is just so cool. It's like all encompassing. Just makes you feel good when you say that word, don't you?

One thing I wanted to chat to you about, because I really value your opinion. I think you're just so down to earth. And do you know what else is really important? You mentioned before today, there is so much information available on, through social media, online, we can just be really overloaded with it. So I really love to share through the podcast that people do need to take what feels right for them and find the people that they really relate to and the information that does sit right with them. So I love that you have that approach to, but one question that I personally am interested is about supplementation. So how do you feel as a nutritionist, as well as coming from your programs that you share, how do you feel about supplementation?

Yeah, good question. I think supplementation is a matter of speed. So I think that when they're focused and strategic, they can help you accelerate your results faster. So in the case, for example, of fertility, taking prenatals makes sense because you're accelerating your nutrient levels to be, to a point where, you know, basically you can come out the other side of pregnancy fairly unscathed because you've kind of like created the insurance prior. Um, but, and they're good for filling gaps as well. So, like, where there's gaps, let's say, for example, you're super busy and you're going through a really intense time of life. It can be really helpful to lean on them, but to rely on them for too long becomes a problem in itself because you always have to address the foundations. Taking supplements without addressing the foundations, there's really no point and it's a waste of money. So I think with the proper, I guess, guidance and knowing what's right for you and what's going to bridge the gap for you and what works for you. For some people, for some reason, Gabba is amazing. And then for other people, sorry, glutamine, specifically. Glutamine is amazing because it upregulates gaba, and then for other people, it actually creates more anxiety. So it's a very interesting thing. The same with Sami, which is, again, more to do with mental health and depression and anxiety, but two people can take the exact same supplement and have a totally different result. So with the foundations being aware that if you are bridging a gap, don't bridge it for too long, relying on supplements, then yeah, I can, I think it's really effective and very useful, but you also have to look at the quality of the supplements. So getting practitioner supplements where possible, I think is probably better as well, and stronger supplements. Right. So it's like, fix the problem, fix it fast, and then don't rely on them. Like, let the body do what the body needs because they're also synthetic and we have to remember that. So it's always looking at it from a more holistic point of view.

Yes, because I think if you are relying on it for too long, then it can throw off other areas of your body. So, yeah, I love that you say it the fast, hard and fast and then try and not be on it. That's great advice. And also following the advice of your health practitioner. So bloods, you know, like I always say, well, get your bloods checked. And they say that for kids, too. They're like, never put kids on an iron supplement unless they've had blood stun. Same for us. Right?


Now, the most exciting and fun question that I can't wait to dive into is you're about to launch fertility magic, your new program, which is so cool. I just think you're amazing. Like, you're such a wonder woman. How do you do it all? You've got two kids, you've got all these programs, and you genuinely want to help women. Like, it's just so cool. I love that about you. If you guys don't follow Dee, you have to go on over on her Insta because it's just such a vibe every day. I love it. Tell us all about fertility magic. Give us a little sneak peek.

Yes. So, I mean, fertility magic is bridging the gaps that conventional medicine can't fill. And it's helping women who feel as though they're against the clock and who really want to not have to compromise their values. So this is really about, like, empowering people and giving them kind of, like, the information that they need to make the most informed decision that they possibly can. Because I'm not going to stand here and say, you know, IVF is bad, but IVF has negative outcomes, um, that we've seen in comparison to children who are not born through IVF. Now, there could be a combination of reasons for that, but when you actually think about how the body works and the masterful ways that our human body actually creates a baby, you can't help but think, how on earth could a lab recreate that? Like, that masterful ability of the body.

Absolutely. Wow. That's magical. I just got goosebumps when you said that.

And I think they see people as sick fish. Right? So. And I say, I use this analogy of sick fish, and I use it in my masterclass from last week. And it's so interesting because I heard this quote, and I talk about this analogy where someone said, when you see a sick fish and you notice that the water is dirty, do you treat the fish with medication or do you clean the water?

And I just feel like conventional medicine will look for, like, really obvious, like, if the water's black, okay, well, then maybe we will look at the water. But conventional medicine really just notices the fishes somewhat sick. And, like, it might be, like, hidden sick or secret sick. Like, there's something they can't find, but then they're like, okay, here's some medication.

But still, that fish is still swimming around in dirty water. And then when there's a baby fish in there, that baby fish is going to be swimming around in dirty water, you know? So I think that it just, like, totally misses the mark. And I think that there's such a problem with fertility treatments because they're focusing on the wrong problem. And at the end of the day, fertility is all about two healthy people with a healthy sperm and healthy eggs combining to make a healthy baby. There is no other way that that happens, biologically speaking. Like, whether it's, you know, like, if you're in a same sex couple and you have to, like, make it work with technology to form that. But at the end of the day, it is a healthy man and a healthy woman, healthy sperm, healthy egg to make a healthy embryo. Like, that is how it's done. Um, and so I think being able to get people into their optimal health, which is, and I say this like, I've been around enough to know that, like, I can say this confidently. I know how to, people, I know how to get people into optimal health. People say optimal health, but no, I'm talking, like, optimal health where you're thriving, not where, like, you have to stay perfect for the thing to be sustainable, not where you do, uh, you know, like a three month health program, and then the second you have chocolate, you fall off the bandwagon. No, I'm talking, like, sustainable. From your cells to your soul, you have literally upleveled. You ain't going back, like, optimal health so that they can create the healthiest human possible. And I think it's very important that people know that even though when you're trying to fall pregnant, you don't think about, like, necessarily, like, having a young kid or like, a child. Like, sometimes you're so, like, hell bent and you're so consumed by just getting pregnant, you often don't think about the other side and like, what you're actually bringing into your life. And one fact that I heard that, I was like, whoa, if everyone could just hear this, how powerful this is. They say you only have twelve summoners with your children.

Oh, I know. I've heard that. And it just wrenches my heart.

Yeah. Before they're too cool and they don't want to hang out with you anymore. So, like, I like people to think, how do you want to spend those twelve summers? Because if you want a healthy child and you don't want to have to be in and out of hospital and going in and out of the doctor and having to bubble wrap your child for whatever reason, or you can't go and eat out because your child has an allergy, or they have sensitivities, or they fight naps because they're not regulated, or whatever it is. Like, if you really want to give your child the absolute best possible start to life, then doing it naturally is going to be the way to do that and to be able to fall pregnant naturally. There's a lot of stuff that goes on, but right at the end of the day, it's back to egg quality and sperm quality. And just as a final note on that, your AMH level is not your determinant of egg quality. That's the number of eggs you have. I say you can have 30,000 eggs and they're all ****, or you can have ten eggs left and they are like, top notch quality. Like, what would you prefer? Yeah. So, like, for me, people come to me in their, you know, in their thirties and forties and like, oh, you know, like, there's no hope for me. And the doctor says, oh, it's too late, or the best time to fall pregnant was ten years ago. I say, it doesn't matter what age you are, it actually is irrelevant. Like, just chuck that story right away, block out the noise, stick with me, and let's get you pregnant.

Yeah, I love it. And I love that everything that they learn with you from what you're saying is then going to take them through to that life that they want to create after the baby's born. Even breastfeeding. D like, getting pregnant is so all encompassing, and then all of a sudden you're like, oh, ****, I didn't even think about breastfeeding. But that also comes into hormonal. Like, I've looked into that a lot to do with Hashimoto's. And at the back of it, I've realized if I knew all this information now that I did back then. Maybe that could have helped. But then moving forwards into lifestyle, into, you know, being active, actually living the life with your children, all of these things that you're teaching us are just foundational and will help forever.

Yeah. Oh, thank you. Well, I believe that so strongly. And actually I had a, I had a reading maybe two weeks ago now with an amazing quantum healer and for my spiritual sisters out there, you can imagine how much this, like, lit me up. She said to me that there was the night before and then the day of, there was such a strong energy coming through for me from the universe and the spirit realm, and it was just all of these little spirit babies trying to come in to say thank you to me. I know I cried my absolute eyes out. I'm trying really hard not to cry now. And they were just saying, you know, thank you and trying to guide me to connect with there who would be their parents. And honestly, it just makes my mission so crystal clear. Like, I had that real deep knowing before, but hearing that is just like I am just like, I know my life's work. I am here for a reason and I know and I'm doing it. So, yeah, I feel very, very blessed to be, to be able to have the support of the universe, but also I think to just, you know, have that tenacity and belief that, like, this is the way to go. And it will be so much better, not only in the short term but in the long term because you'll know that you did that. Yeah, no, like, you were able to do that when you, when you didn't trust your body. You then can look back and go, wow, I wasn't sure and I was confused with all the gurus out there and I was listening to this advice and was told that. But, like, I went and I did that myself, you know, and I think that's so empowering. And I think it's a matter of where the power lies. Either you hand it over to somebody else, which is a lot of conventional medicine and fertility treatments, or you give it back to yourself and you say, you know what? I'm going to cultivate this trust and I'm going to do the do and I'm going to make it happen.

Yeah. And that is why I had to have you on inspired to be, because that is the vision. That is what I want to share with women is that you have to take the power and you can be anyone you want to be. You can have the life you want. It's health, wellness, mindset, and you can be there, but you have to take charge. So thank you. I just absolutely adore you. I think you're such a beautiful spirit. And I love that little story about the spirit babies. I can't wait to hear the joy after people have done fertility magic.

I know. Oh, I can't wait to hold people's baby. They're just like you were in the spirit realm and now you're here.

Can I come? Because I'm done having babies. But I love babies.

I know. Me too.

Anyway, Dee, thank you so much. We both have mum life to get back to so quickly. Tell us where we can find you. How can people connect with you if they're interested in fertility magic?

Yes. So I am on all socials at @deezibara I'm on YouTube as Dee Zibara and my website is

Too easy. Thanks. Lovely.

Thanks for having me. Elise.

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